Friday, July 29, 2011


Meeting a very old friend is an amazing feeling,
It really seems am actually dreaming.
The world has really becme a small place,
Seems as we all exist in the same case.
people come along all the time in this journey called life
But the real friends are the ones who standby wether happiness or strife.
So i am elated i have found a few
With whom i enjoy even if the place is entirely new
Our talks centre around us,
Not really concerned if we caught our bus
We are ourselves throughout the meet,
As we never really hve to think how to greet
The conversation continues as we seat
It never ceases even when we eat
That is the bond we share amongst us
Just enjoying the company thus
I always wish to keep them close to my heart
As they have been wid me since my life had a start 

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