Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Beautiful journey called Life

Life is strange in many ways than one knows,
You slowly start understanding only as one grows,
Some days you are in the frame to create,
While on some days it all frustrates,
You wonder what is wrong around,
It is only your thoughts which surround,
You wish to dig a hole in the ground,
Put yourself in it an put barriers all around,
Though none of it helps to get through,
All it does is charges you up and creates a hue,
Lots of advice comes along telling you to calm down,
But all you feel is that you will finally drown,
yet you end up being saved and live another day,
Though we dont learn anything from today,
Life's most precious gift is to learn everday,
If we can do it we can overcome a tough day,
But seldom do we make an effort to make it right,
Thus always wondering of things in hindsight,
To avoid never be afraid to start afresh,
Never be scared to pick up from trash,
That is how you will keep calm and strong,
It will help you in doing no wrong,
Life has a new lesson to teach everyday,
Learn it well and have a beautiful day.

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