Friday, July 29, 2011

A journey i wish to make

When i began this journey  every aspect of it was unknown,
But as time has passed by my knowledge has grown.
Because of which any apprehensions I might have had I have thrown.
And the cap of experience I have worn.
These are the kind of journeys I wish to make,
Alongwith fun I wish my goodwill I take.
So whenever I come across these people whom I have met,
They know they will be taken care of they can bet.
I wish my people remember me with the sense of happiness they get
With a feeling in their heart I completed that set.
I want to travel and pass every highway,
Knowing always that I did it my way.
If Life is the name of the game,
I want to travel light just with my name.
To complete the journey of my life is my aim,
With wisdom as the measure of success I gain.

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