Friday, July 29, 2011


The weather is so beautiful outside,
Makes me want to take a walk by the way side.
Or just play around jump and slide,
If the wind picks up then I just want to glide.
These kinds of thoughts can only be given by nature,
These are some of my wishes I want to nurture.
It feels as if this beauty is strung up with a wire,
For a few people like me who wish to see and admire.
Such little things around me make me forget all my worries,
So I just want to capture these and put them in my diaries.
When I read my diary a few years from now,
I know what made me this way I would know how.
Reflections back on life are sometimes good because they were moments to stay,
And in turn if you are stuck up in life it may just point you a way.
Some of the things I write about in life I draw from nature,
Because I believe we all came up from there so it must be our central feature.
So to complete the walk through life and acquire knowledge,
We must keep close to nature as it is our best given privilege.

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